
the last times...

They say "all good things come to an end" but, I am not sure that I'm convinced.

In the past month I have done a lot of things for the last time.
I went to the last day of high school. I played my last lacrosse game. I wore my school's uniform for the last time. I went to our last All-School Closing chapel service.
And that is just the beginning of "the lasts".

A lot about my life right now is good: the community I am apart of, the people I go to school with, the friends I have, the opportunities I have been given. Those are all wonderful things that I have been blessed during my high school years. And the truth is, a lot of that is coming to an end. The season of my life is about to change.

I could not be more ready and excited most days. Other days the change that is coming overwhelms me. Change can bring storms of uncertainty, fear, and confusion. But the good news is that I am never alone. He will always be in the passenger's seat, weathering the storms right by my side.

"Take courage when the road is long. Don't ever forget, you are never alone. I want you to live forever. Underneath the sky, so blue"- Drew Holcomb

College T-shirt day!

Senior Occupation Day (I am the fortune teller on the right)


slather it on.

I am sure you have seen numerous posts about homemade almond butter if you are a food blog reader, like me. For those of you that are not... you might be surprised to know that you can make your very own almond butter that will cost you A LOT less than $6 a jar. Plus... you can take the credit for it, take pride in enjoying it, and ensure that it is healthy and fresh.

Best part is: 2 ingredients & 2 steps

raw almonds
sea salt

1. preheat oven to 300 degrees F, put almonds on sheet pan, roast for 20-25 min
(test doneness by biting an almond in half and if inner flesh is lightly browned/ tan in color take them out of oven)
2. put almonds in food processor, process until butter-ized (takes a good 15 min of 30 second pulses). Add salt.

And if you love all types of nuts as much as I do, I suggest you read Sarah's, of My New Roots, post about nuts. She tells you all you need to know so you can navigate the nut isle.

Who knew most nuts labeled "roasted" have essentially been deep-fried!?? no thanks.

Have a lovely weekend :)


and I'm back!

It has been over a month, I know. But you only wrap up your high school years once. So I have been totally soaking up the present and not worrying about much else. I decided to take a little hiatus from my blog for a couple of reasons: to get inspired again, remember why I want to write here in the first place, and primarily because I just did not have time. For the month of April I was blogging everyday for my senior project over on Wordpress, which made me realize how much better I like Blogger!

Anyways, I am back and planning on sticking around.

A little bit of my past month or so... (spring time at its finest)

1. simple dinners composed of farmer's market vegetables eaten outside
2. Booger sun-bathing
3. getting my hands dirty on a couple of organic vegetable farms
4. senior prom!
5. college t-shirt day
6. senior occupation day... I was a fortune teller if you can't tell :)

I cannot believe I graduate high school in less than 2 weeks.
Bittersweet indeed.